
Showing posts from August 19, 2007

From Me to We

In a recent article in REV magazine, Alan Nelson writes a compelling article for pastors that calls for a shift away from a pastor-centered model of ministry to a model that equips and empowers the church to mature and lead in the visioning and implementation of the vision. Among the Scripure he cites in his article is Exodus 18, where we find Moses attempting to hear and deal with all of the questions and concerns of the people of God on his own. His father-in-law, Jethro, is sent by God to lay down some wisdom on Moses by suggesting that he go and find leaders to oversee the people and share leadership. 1 Peter 2 also drives this point home by reminding us, Nelson writes, that we are "to be a nation of priests , not a nation of followers lead by priests." Nelson maintains that Martin Luther with his understanding of the priesthood of all believers tried to remind the church of this notion. But, Nelson continues, "We need a 're-Reformation,' whereby pastors