
Showing posts from June 17, 2007

Heading Back from Mission

Back from Slidell, Louisiana invigorated by the relationships that I formed with clients, youth and young adult leaders. My group worked on an animal shelter in Slidell that was devastated by the hurricane. Our team built four - five walls and sheetrocked them as well. The volunteer director and his wife were so awesome throughout the week and told us their story (including their hurricane story) and the story of their faith in Christ that has gotten them both through so much more than a hurricane. Each of them had gotten through so many health issues strengthened and renewed in their faith. Looking back, I feel we did so much more than help rebuild walls but helped to rebuild hope and faith in neighbors. Thank you for your prayers and support over the last week. I coveted them as I set off on Sunday morning, leading a group of people whom I knew nothing about and coveted them throughout the week.

Weekend with Episcopacy

"There is a lot of money for the postmodern game. Anything can be sponsored and fed money to. The modern church will pump money into church planting, books, and movies. But the sun burns brightest before it sets. They are trying to reach young people. However, they will realize that they are wasting their money and walk away. After this, there will be people who apply the gospel in postmodern cultures." - Spencer Burke, from the book EMERGING CHURCHES by Gibbs and Bolger I was afforded an opportunity to spend the weekend with some of the episcopacy of the denomination of which I belong to catch a glimpse of what they would be focusing on over the next year. Ministry with Young Adults was the focus so, as you can tell from my profile and interests, I was eager to hear their ideas and, most importantly, hear their vision and plan for reaching younger generations for God through Jesus Christ, emboldened and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Not surprisingly , there was no such pl