
Showing posts from May 23, 2010

in the end, it's not about the island

SPOILER ALERT!!!! just watched the final episode of LOST. i cried like a baby, which i guess is what one does when a six-year relationship ends. LOST itself is a living, breathing entity b/c of its creator's approach to storytelling. the story itself is alive, producing viewer/fan created and maintained sites (like Lostapedia ) and a slew of ongoing conversations regarding every aspect of the story, from the individual characters, to the metaphors/imagery, to the nature and purpose of the island itself. in this LOST continues its life long after 10:30 pm Central Standard Time on Sunday, May 23, 2010. though our relationship ends (no more weekly Tuesday night meetings or Sunday night season finales) the story lives in the ongoing conversations, debates, and dissections that will continue for the foreseeable future. this living, breathing story was, in the end, not about a power struggle between Jacob and Esau, Widmore and Linus, Sawyer and Jack, or Jack and Locke, or even a