words from the past, informing the future...

"Christ, in sending the [people] to the scriptures, sent them, not merely to read them, but carefully to search and ponder them. And did he not say, "Read the scriptures," but "Search the scriptures." ... Their meaning is not expressed superficially or set forth in their literal sense, but, like a treasure, lies buried at a great depth. And those who seek for hidden things will not be able to find the object of the search if they do not seek carefully and painstakingly."

- St. John Chrysostom
Homily 41 (John 5:39-47), A.D. 390

Thanks to all who put together and attended emergingumc: a gathering this past weekend in Nashville. We did not, however, answer all the questions out there or put ourselves to anything more than being committed to continuing the conversation in, as Jay Vorhees reminded me, in "generative relationships." I believe the words of St. John Chrystsom must inform us as we, together, search for where (and for what) God is leading the church. God speak through us, use us to thy work, challenge us in our assumptions about you and your people, support us and give us enduring strength for the journey, and continue to be our companion along the way.


Jack said…
found you! this is Jack btw, thanks for the conversations. I'll be reading your blog and commenting as needed. God bless your ministries in texas

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